Sunday, June 4, 2023

Page Size

You and I must be at least 4096 bytes apart because we're clearly not on the same page.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Seagate Exos x16 14TB drive problems

Well I bought a new hard drive. Seemed liked a good idea and I suppose still does.

It arrived today. Specifically one of these.

They come with 512e sectors. Obviously I had to try changing that to the native 4096 sector size for... reasons. It went poorly.

First, I grabbed the tools off and began my adventure. I have a USB dock I was using the drive in which presents a uas interface over USB.

Random searches indicated I should upgrade the firmware first and then switch the sector size. Well over on Seagate's site, I entered the serial number, got the firmware and the Readme warns don't use this firmware if it doesn't start with SN02 or SN03. Mine didn't, or so I thought. I figured I had some odd oem drive and decided to skip the firmware upgrade.

Then on to the command to set it to 4096. It seemed safe enough despite the warning that the drive might stop working via a usb adapter so I charged ahead with it. If it broke, I'd just toss it into my desktop and set it back.

Then the fun began. The command reported success and then nothing. Power cycling the dock, the drive would no longer appear at all. Checking dmesg revealed nothing useful. OK, the warning told me this may happen. Shuffled over to a desktop computer, pop'd the drive in and powered it on there.

Things were looking up. In the BIOS, the onboard raid screen showed the drive with the expected capacity but that system was also booting into Windows. Once in Windows, Disk Management wouldn't show the drive. A little concerning, so I went with a reboot to a Fedora Live USB drive.

Once in Fedora, things were mixed. I could detect the drive but all data reads/writes would fail. Worse, the openSeaChest tools have a -i option on all the commands that would give you info on the drive selected. Most of the data was showing Not Reported. There's an _Erase tool, a _FormatUnit tool, and a _Firmware tool.

With openSeaChest_Firmware I noticed my firmware version changed from when I had checked through the USB dock. It was a supported firmware to upgrade from. Oops. Tried upgrading to 04. It seemed to upgrade without issue but my situation didn't really change. I tried various formatting related options but they'd fail. I'd try the various erase options, those failed too. I tried setting the sector size to 512 and again to 4096 but both tries reported errors.

The hint toward my solution actually came from running _PassThroughTest 's --runPTTest telling me the DMA options didn't work, only PIO.

Didn't realize its relevance yet and got more desperate, starting thinking about if I'd be able to RMA because of this... The firmware zip had these "subrelease" firmwares that I warn not to flash without direction from tech support... but I decided to try them anyways. Nothing different seemed to happen but on that odd version I wanted to try setting sector size again. I felt if I could get it to set successfully once I'd be home free and because I was consulting --help pretty much everytime I switched between tools I notice --forceATAPIO and use that and using -i again, I noticed that not reported stuff populated. I used it with set sector size a couple times between 512 and 4096 and it eventually worked! Decided to reset the drive because at this point the reported drive size in Linux was way off and it went back to the right size. Flashed back to the correct latest 04 firmware and it continued to work. Put it in the USB dock and it's working there now too and I have my 4096 sector size!

In conclusion, don't use a usb dock and --forceATAPIO might help reset the sector size to recover drive access.

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

RHEL 9 Custom Image and GCP

If you run into:
Header V4 RSA/SHA1 Signature, key ID 3e1ba8d5: BAD

This is because RHEL 9 disables SHA1 by default but Google is publishing gpg keys and RPM's relying on it.
Found the workaround over here:
You can check your current setting with:
cat /etc/crypto-policies/config

Then change it with:
update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:SHA1

For comparison, if you build a server from the CentOS Stream 9 image in GCP, it sets that to LEGACY.
I don't know off-hand if that's a CentOS or Google customization.
This also manifested as a problem with PackageKit importing the keys with the error message appearing in Cockpit.
It still doesn't work though. :(
failed to parse public key for /var/cache/PackageKit/9.0/metadata/google-compute-engine-9-x86_64.tmp/yum-key.gpg

I'll try again sometime later.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Adventure in dm-integrity (raw notes)

 Prompted by I set out to figure out how to use dm-integrity, starting with letting lvm do all the work. 

On AlmaLinux 8.5 I had bad results earlier where any corruption would offline the drive in my testing where ideally it would have just re-written the affected blocks/sectors from the raid 5 I had setup.

Searching around suggested I'd have a bad time below Linux kernel 5.4.

So I jumped to CentOS 9 Stream where the system would immediately kernel panic when running the lvcreate command... so now I'm investigating on the RHEL 9 beta on a different VM.

Here's where I'm gonna dump the notes from that:

First a need a new VM. I've got a Fedora host with Cockpit I just downloaded the beta boot iso onto. Gonna mostly defaults install it, and I'm glad to see Cockpit has VNC console just working these days. (I was about to go to virt-manager before deciding to give it another try)

This is also my first time setting up RHEL 9 so I'm setting it up using an activation key I quickly created on I let it connect to "Insights" too so I'll have to click around and see what that does later. The default LVM layout was fine. I only gave the VM 10G so far but I'm gonna attach 4x 2G disks after it's installed for playing with lvm. Minimal Install with Guest Agents checked. Setup and allowed remote root logins. This software selection pulls in 377 packages. Got a little bored suring the install and as nice as the cockpit console was, I decided to do some ssh port forwarding and have a SPICE client connect remotely instead. It was cool that resizing the window auto adjusted the VM's display resolution, even in the installer still. I'm hoping mainly if I need to copy/paste, clipboard will somehow just work. Then I remembered I enabled root logins and just ssh'd into the VM.

The fun begins:

Since the installer used the latest available packages, the system is already up to date and here's the kernel I'll be using:

[root@integritytesting ~]# uname -a
Linux integritytesting 5.14.0-70.5.1.el9_0.x86_64 #1 SMP PREEMPT Thu Mar 24 20:26:26 EDT 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@integritytesting ~]#

I quickly ran into a problem with attaching more disks in Cockpit

Trying scsi instead of virtio didn't work. Time to get virt-manager going. Got rid of the cdrom. Don't know if that did anything since I couldn't remove "Controller SATA 0" still (it would reappear on its own) but I was able to add 3 more disks, 4 extra for this experiment total.

Here's the disks:

[root@integritytesting ~]# lsblk
vda           252:0    0  10G  0 disk
├─vda1        252:1    0   1G  0 part /boot
└─vda2        252:2    0   9G  0 part
  ├─rhel-root 253:0    0   8G  0 lvm  /
  └─rhel-swap 253:1    0   1G  0 lvm  [SWAP]
vdb           252:16   0   2G  0 disk
vdc           252:32   0   2G  0 disk
vdd           252:48   0   2G  0 disk
vde           252:64   0   2G  0 disk
[root@integritytesting ~]#

First thing I'm gonna play with is the --raidintegrity option of lvcreate. It's what I was using and assume it auto-configures dm-integrity in the way I hope. If not, I'll try again manually later:

[root@integritytesting ~]# vgcreate vg_integrity /dev/vd{b,c,d,e}
  Physical volume "/dev/vdb" successfully created.
  Physical volume "/dev/vdc" successfully created.
  Physical volume "/dev/vdd" successfully created.
  Physical volume "/dev/vde" successfully created.
  Volume group "vg_integrity" successfully created
[root@integritytesting ~]#

[root@integritytesting ~]# lvcreate -L1G -n safeplace --type raid5 --raidintegrity y --stripes 3 vg_integrity
  Using default stripesize 64.00 KiB.
  Rounding size 1.00 GiB (256 extents) up to stripe boundary size <1.01 GiB (258 extents).
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_0_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_0_imeta" created.
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_1_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_1_imeta" created.
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_2_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_2_imeta" created.
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_3_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_3_imeta" created.
  Logical volume "safeplace" created.
[root@integritytesting ~]#

I'm not gonna bother with filesystems for now so I'll be poking at block devices directly.

Threw some data onto the LV:

[root@integritytesting ~]# (for i in {00000..99999}; do echo "Hello world #$i"; done; echo ) > /dev/vg_integrity/safeplace
[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n 4 /dev/vg_integrity/safeplace
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003
[root@integritytesting ~]#

Now what? I guess I better corrupt it somehow. I'm gonna point strings at the vd{b,c,d,e} and find my Hello World's. Their locations will vary depending on where LVM put the LV's. Had to install strings first though:

binutils-2.35.2-9.el9.i686 : A GNU collection of binary utilities
Repo        : rhel-9-for-x86_64-baseos-beta-rpms
Matched from:
Other       : *bin/strings

And eventually, found some of my Hello's:

[root@integritytesting ~]# for i in /dev/vd{b,c,d,e}; do echo -e "\n## $i"; strings -td $i | grep -C3 -m3 -F 'Hello world'; done

## /dev/vdb
366051256 orld #14)
366051281 Hello wDSk
366051304 d #14874
366051320 %"""#"""Hello world #00000
366051347 Hello world #00001
366051366 Hello world #00002
366051385 Hello world #00003
366051404 Hello world #00004
366051423 Hello world #00005

## /dev/vdc
365961168 o world [3
365961196 Hellg
365961208 %""""""" world #03449
365961230 Hello world #03450
365961249 Hello world #03451
365961268 Hello world #03452
365961287 Hello world #03453
365961306 Hello world #03454
365961325 Hello world #03455

## /dev/vdd
365961144  /4|n~I
365961168 TY 3'
365961208 %"""""""d #06898
365961225 Hello world #06899
365961244 Hello world #06900
365961263 Hello world #06901
365961282 Hello world #06902
365961301 Hello world #06903
365961320 Hello world #06904

## /dev/vde
366116841 2 /3wczH
366116850 9uxU[&
366116857 """#"""347
366116868 Hello world #10348
366116887 Hello world #10349
366116906 Hello world #10350
366116925 Hello world #10351
366116944 Hello world #10352
366116963 Hello world #10353
[root@integritytesting ~]#

I see /dev/vdb has my earliest entries so I'll poke at that.

[root@integritytesting ~]# dd iflag=skip_bytes bs=19 count=4 skip=366051328 if=/dev/vdb 2> /dev/null
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003
[root@integritytesting ~]# echo -n Corruption. | dd oflag=seek_bytes of=/dev/vdb seek=366051347
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
11 bytes copied, 0.00015279 s, 72.0 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# dd iflag=skip_bytes bs=19 count=4 skip=366051328 if=/dev/vdb 2> /dev/null
Hello world #00000
Corruption. #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003
[root@integritytesting ~]#

I'm not seeing the corruption when I check my LV again but there's a bunch of layers, maybe some caching? I'll try getting to to read everything any maybe it will notice, but it didn't. Echo'ing 3 at drop_caches didn't do anything new either.

Deactivating the and reactivating the volume group will tear down all the dm's and set them up again and maybe it will be noticed there.

[root@integritytesting ~]# dmesg
[ 1551.458536] bash (1208): drop_caches: 3
[root@integritytesting ~]# vgchange -ay vg_integrity
  1 logical volume(s) in volume group "vg_integrity" now active
[root@integritytesting ~]# dmesg
[ 1551.458536] bash (1208): drop_caches: 3
[ 1638.650436] device-mapper: integrity: Error on tag mismatch when replaying journal: -84
[ 1638.790914] md/raid:mdX: device dm-5 operational as raid disk 0
[ 1638.790945] md/raid:mdX: device dm-9 operational as raid disk 1
[ 1638.790963] md/raid:mdX: device dm-13 operational as raid disk 2
[ 1638.790982] md/raid:mdX: device dm-17 operational as raid disk 3
[ 1638.791682] md/raid:mdX: raid level 5 active with 4 out of 4 devices, algorithm 2
[ 1638.815196] md/raid:mdX: Disk failure on dm-5, disabling device.
               md/raid:mdX: Operation continuing on 3 devices.
[root@integritytesting ~]#

Aww, I didn't want it to kick out the whole disk. Consulting man lvmraid, I don't see an obvious setting to prevent that. Time to install integritysetup. Unfortunately, I can't inspect what lvm did using that command:

[root@integritytesting ~]# for i in /dev/dm-*; do integritysetup status $i; done
/dev/dm-0 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-1 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-10 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-11 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-12 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-13 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-14 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-15 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-16 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-17 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-2 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-3 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-4 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-5 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-6 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-7 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-8 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-9 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a

[root@integritytesting ~]# for i in /dev/dm-*; do integritysetup status $i; done
/dev/dm-0 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-1 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-10 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-11 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-12 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-13 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-14 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-15 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-16 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-17 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-2 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-3 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-4 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-5 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-6 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-7 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-8 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a
/dev/dm-9 is active and is in use.
  type:    n/a

Take 2.

Cleared off vd[b-e] using vgremove then blkdiscard.

Then after skimming the man page:

[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup format /dev/vdb

This will overwrite data on /dev/vdb irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type 'yes' in capital letters): YES
Formatted with tag size 4, internal integrity crc32c.
Wiping device to initialize integrity checksum.
You can interrupt this by pressing CTRL+c (rest of not wiped device will contain invalid checksum).
Finished, time 00:00.994, 2016 MiB written, speed   2.0 GiB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup dump /dev/vdb
Info for integrity device /dev/vdb.
superblock_version 5
log2_interleave_sectors 15
integrity_tag_size 4
journal_sections 186
provided_data_sectors 4129048
sector_size 512
log2_blocks_per_bitmap 15
flags fix_padding fix_hmac
[root@integritytesting ~]#

Repeat for each.

Then open them:

[root@integritytesting ~]# lsblk /dev/vdb
vdb  252:16   0   2G  0 disk
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup open /dev/vdb vdb-safer
[root@integritytesting ~]# lsblk /dev/vdb
vdb         252:16   0   2G  0 disk
└─vdb-safer 253:2    0   2G  0 crypt
[root@integritytesting ~]#

 Repeat for each.

And realize I'm getting a little ahead of myself, better test what happens with corruption with one.

 Repopulate the old data:

[root@integritytesting ~]# (for i in {00000..99999}; do echo "Hello world #$i"; done; echo ) > /dev/mapper/vdb-safer

[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n 4 /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep -C3 -m3 -F 'Hello world'
      0 integrt
   8192 Hello world #00000
   8211 Hello world #00001
   8230 Hello world #00002
   8249 Hello world #00003
   8268 Hello world #00004
   8287 Hello world #00005

Created some corruption:

[root@integritytesting ~]# dd iflag=skip_bytes bs=19 count=4 skip=8192 if=/dev/vdb 2> /dev/null
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003
[root@integritytesting ~]# echo -n Corruption. | dd oflag=seek_bytes of=/dev/vdb seek=8211
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
11 bytes copied, 0.00235477 s, 4.7 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# dd iflag=skip_bytes bs=19 count=4 skip=8192 if=/dev/vdb 2> /dev/null
Hello world #00000
Corruption. #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003

Couldn't see the corruption (assuming caching again)

[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n 4 /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003
[root@integritytesting ~]# dmesg
[root@integritytesting ~]# sync
[root@integritytesting ~]# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n 4 /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003

[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup close vdb-safer

[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup open /dev/vdb vdb-safer
[root@integritytesting ~]# dmesg
[  626.300804] bash (1256): drop_caches: 3
[  711.902581] device-mapper: integrity: Error on tag mismatch when replaying journal: -84
[  711.912621] Buffer I/O error on dev dm-2, logical block 516112, async page read

This is promising, nothing about disabling the whole disk, let's see if I wrote enough other data to see it in another block I didn't corrupt.

Strings didn't like the read error so piping it through dd.

That was a failure, couldn't find any readable sector. At this point decided to look up other people's solutions and ended up at the much better looking blog page

The options there suggest... nothing obvious. The sector size, tag size and algorithm is specified, but don't expect those change the overall behavior.

I decided to fix the corruption rather than starting from scratch and closed/opened the device again.

[root@integritytesting ~]# echo -n Hello world | dd oflag=seek_bytes of=/dev/vdb seek=8211


[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n 4 /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Hello world #00000
Hello world #00001
Hello world #00002
Hello world #00003

I decided to throw more data at it, though my bash loop wasn't the fastest source of data:

[root@integritytesting ~]# (export i=0; while true; do printf "Hello world #%16u\n" $i; i=$((i+1)); done) | dd status=progress > /dev
392693248 bytes (393 MB, 375 MiB) copied, 164 s, 2.4 MB/s


This gave me time to look at more posts by others, but no new insights. Except maybe using the journal mode isn't going to work.


[root@integritytesting ~]# (export i=0; while true; do printf "Hello world #%16u\n" $i; i=$((i+1)); done) | dd status=progress > /dev
2112329728 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 862 s, 2.5 MB/s
dd: writing to 'standard output': No space left on device
67864+63057921 records in
4129048+0 records out
2114072576 bytes (2.1 GB, 2.0 GiB) copied, 863.149 s, 2.4 MB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]#

But now at least the drive is full:

[root@integritytesting ~]# tail /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Hello world #        70469076
Hello world #        70469077
Hello world #        70469078
Hello world #        70469079
Hello world #        70469080
Hello world #        70469081
Hello world #        70469082
Hello world #        70469083
Hello world #        70469084
Hello world #        70469

Before corrupting again, I decided to close the integrity device first and I'm wondering if I had corrupted the journal rather than the data. Thinking about it a little more reinforces the idea I can't use the journal and need to rely only on the tags, which I think is what I originally wanted anyways.

[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep -C3 -F 'Hello world' | grep -C6 -F 'Hello world #               0'
16764960 Ra|J
16765036 $.yj
16895783 KhcJ{
16895806 OViQN
16895942 hmJ,
16896000 Hello world #               0
16896030 Hello world #               1
16896060 Hello world #               2
16896090 Hello world #               3
16896120 Hello world #               4
16896150 Hello world #               5
16896180 Hello world #               6

[root@integritytesting ~]# echo -n Corruption. | dd oflag=seek_bytes of=/dev/vdb seek=16896060
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
11 bytes copied, 0.00220066 s, 5.0 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep -C3 -F 'Hello world' | grep -C6 -F 'Hello world #               0'
16764960 Ra|J
16765036 $.yj
16895783 KhcJ{
16895806 OViQN
16895942 hmJ,
16896000 Hello world #               0
16896030 Hello world #               1
16896060 Corruption. #               2
16896090 Hello world #               3
16896120 Hello world #               4
16896150 Hello world #               5
16896180 Hello world #               6

No luck, can't read from either end of the device:

[root@integritytesting ~]# tail /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
tail: error reading '/dev/mapper/vdb-safer': Input/output error
[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n 4 /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
head: error reading '/dev/mapper/vdb-safer': Input/output error

Trying again, blkdiscard to clean it up, then format:

[root@integritytesting ~]# blkdiscard -f /dev/vdb
blkdiscard: Operation forced, data will be lost!
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup format --tag-size 8 --integrity-no-journal /dev/vdb

This will overwrite data on /dev/vdb irrevocably.

Are you sure? (Type 'yes' in capital letters): YES
WARNING: Requested tag size 8 bytes differs from crc32c size output (4 bytes).
Formatted with tag size 8, internal integrity crc32c.
Wiping device to initialize integrity checksum.
You can interrupt this by pressing CTRL+c (rest of not wiped device will contain invalid checksum).
Finished, time 00:01.231, 2000 MiB written, speed   1.6 GiB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]#

[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup dump /dev/vdb
Info for integrity device /dev/vdb.
superblock_version 5
log2_interleave_sectors 15
integrity_tag_size 8
journal_sections 186
provided_data_sectors 4097048
sector_size 512
log2_blocks_per_bitmap 15
flags fix_padding fix_hmac

[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup status /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
/dev/mapper/vdb-safer is active.
  type:    INTEGRITY
  tag size: 8
  integrity: crc32c
  device:  /dev/vdb
  sector size:  512 bytes
  interleave sectors: 32768
  size:    4097048 sectors
  mode:    read/write
  failures: 0
  journal: not active

Wrote in some data again.

I changed the format I wrote out slightly and then changed it back and noticed my change didn't appear how I expected so I tried something more obvious.

[root@integritytesting ~]# echo Chris wonders where this is. > /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n4  /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Chris wonders where this is.

Hello world #               1
Hello world #               2
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep Chris
[root@integritytesting ~]#

Oh, I'm not using direct io so it's cached, found it.

[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep Chris
[root@integritytesting ~]# sync
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep Chris
[root@integritytesting ~]# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
[root@integritytesting ~]# sync
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep Chris
17027072 Chris wonders where this is.
[root@integritytesting ~]#

And corrupt it:

[root@integritytesting ~]# echo -n Here is some corruption | dd oflag=seek_bytes of=/dev/vdb seek=17027072
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
23 bytes copied, 0.202152 s, 0.1 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n4  /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
head: error reading '/dev/mapper/vdb-safer': Input/output error
[root@integritytesting ~]#

[ 4177.159117] bash (1256): drop_caches: 3
[ 4293.405001] device-mapper: integrity: dm-2: Checksum failed at sector 0x0
[ 4293.407586] device-mapper: integrity: dm-2: Checksum failed at sector 0x0
[ 4293.408111] Buffer I/O error on dev dm-2, logical block 0, async page read

But the whole block device didn't clam up this time.

[root@integritytesting ~]# dd iflag=skip_bytes skip=2560000 conv=noerror if=/dev/mapper/vdb-safer bs=512 count=1
d #           85333
Hello world #           85334
Hello world #           85335
Hello world #           85336
Hello world #           85337
Hello world #           85338
Hello world #           85339
Hello world #           85340
Hello world #           85341
Hello world #           85342
Hello world #           85343
Hello world #           85344
Hello world #           85345
Hello world #           85346
Hello world #           85347
Hello world #           85348
Hello world #           85349
Hello world 1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes copied, 0.000977178 s, 524 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]#

Ok, so dm-integrity will work the way I hope as long as the journal disabled.

 And with enough dd options and padding my input, I was able to write back over the first sector of data.

[root@integritytesting ~]# (echo Chris wonders where this is.; cat /dev/zero) | dd oflag=direct,sync of=/dev/mapper/vdb-safer bs=512 count=1
1+0 records in
1+0 records out
512 bytes copied, 0.00540147 s, 94.8 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# head -n4  /dev/mapper/vdb-safer
Chris wonders where this is.
llo world #              17
Hello world #              18
Hello world #              19
[root@integritytesting ~]#

It skips to 17 there since the nul padding isn't displayed.

So yay, it's working! If I had raid on top of this, I imagine it would be able to reconstruct the sector and write it back, if it wanted to. 

Looking at the man page for lvmraid again, we lose several knobs integritysetup has but at the least I could switch the mode from journal to bitmap. I feel like bitmap is worse than no bitmap though since the bitmap seems like it tells it to ignore the checksum for a block if it crashed while that data was writing. This has to be reliable since it's basically the whole point of using it under the raid.

Day 2

Thought about it some more. Still don't know if bitmap mode is useful. It probably ought to trigger a raid scrub for that block too? Gonna ignore that for now and focus on addressing the bit rot use case rather than any write hole thing.
Starting off, going to do the all in one LVM test again with --raidintegritymode bitmap this time. (journal was the default)
Quickly reset everything:
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup close vdb-safer
Device vdb-safer is not active.
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup close vdc-safer
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup close vdd-safer
[root@integritytesting ~]# integritysetup close vde-safer
[root@integritytesting ~]# blkdiscard /dev/vdb
blkdiscard: /dev/vdb contains existing file system (DM_integrity).
blkdiscard: This is destructive operation, data will be lost! Use the -f option to override.
[root@integritytesting ~]# blkdiscard -f /dev/vdb
blkdiscard: Operation forced, data will be lost!
[root@integritytesting ~]# blkdiscard -f /dev/vdc
blkdiscard: Operation forced, data will be lost!
[root@integritytesting ~]# blkdiscard -f /dev/vdd
blkdiscard: Operation forced, data will be lost!
[root@integritytesting ~]# blkdiscard -f /dev/vde
blkdiscard: Operation forced, data will be lost!
[root@integritytesting ~]#
 Then setup the volume group again:
[root@integritytesting ~]# vgcreate vg_integrity /dev/vd{b,c,d,e}
  Devices file PVID Hzh6UBd4qqvLNGpGvu18marCM0k7xI2e not found on device /dev/vdb.
  Devices file PVID rxCOQLDdfmnyntvMYOBBh3anIJNY3FM0 not found on device /dev/vdc.
  Physical volume "/dev/vdb" successfully created.
  Physical volume "/dev/vdc" successfully created.
  Physical volume "/dev/vdd" successfully created.
  Physical volume "/dev/vde" successfully created.
  Volume group "vg_integrity" successfully created
[root@integritytesting ~]# 
And the new option on the LV:
[root@integritytesting ~]# lvcreate --raidintegritymode bitmap -L1G -n safeplace --type raid5 --raidintegrity y --stripes 3 vg_integrity
  Using default stripesize 64.00 KiB.
  Rounding size 1.00 GiB (256 extents) up to stripe boundary size <1.01 GiB (258 extents).
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_0_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_0_imeta" created.
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_1_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_1_imeta" created.
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_2_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_2_imeta" created.
  Creating integrity metadata LV safeplace_rimage_3_imeta with size 8.00 MiB.
  Logical volume "safeplace_rimage_3_imeta" created.
  Logical volume "safeplace" created.
[root@integritytesting ~]#
I loaded about 30MB of Hello Worlds onto the LV again:
[root@integritytesting ~]# head /dev/vg_integrity/safeplace
Hello world #               0
Hello world #               1
Hello world #               2
Hello world #               3
Hello world #               4
Hello world #               5
Hello world #               6
Hello world #               7
Hello world #               8
Hello world #               9
Time to find where to corrupt it again:
Hopefully this is the real data and not a journal:
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep -C3 -F 'Hello world' | grep -C6 -F 'Hello world #               0
  51166 creation_time = 1649325754      # Thu Apr  7 05:02:34 2022
1048576 DmRd
1052672 bitm
5242880 Hello world #               0
5242910 Hello world #               1
5242940 Hello world #               2
5242970 Hello world #               3
5243000 Hello world #               4
5243030 Hello world #               5
5243060 Hello world #               6
 Corrupt it:
[root@integritytesting ~]# echo -n Here is some corruption | dd oflag=seek_bytes of=/dev/vdb seek=5242910
0+1 records in
0+1 records out
23 bytes copied, 0.175548 s, 0.1 kB/s
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep -C3 -F 'Hello world' | grep -C6 -F 'Hello world #               0'
  51166 creation_time = 1649325754      # Thu Apr  7 05:02:34 2022
1048576 DmRd
1052672 bitm
5242880 Hello world #               0
5242910 Here is some corruption     1
5242940 Hello world #               2
5242970 Hello world #               3
5243000 Hello world #               4
5243030 Hello world #               5
5243060 Hello world #               6
[root@integritytesting ~]#
Sync and drop buffers/caches again and good news:
[root@integritytesting ~]# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
[root@integritytesting ~]# head /dev/vg_integrity/safeplace
Hello world #               0
Hello world #               1
Hello world #               2
Hello world #               3
Hello world #               4
Hello world #               5
Hello world #               6
Hello world #               7
Hello world #               8
Hello world #               9
[root@integritytesting ~]# dmesg
[79513.762560] bash (1256): drop_caches: 3
[79523.021055] device-mapper: integrity: dm-5: Checksum failed at sector 0x0
[79523.022109] device-mapper: integrity: dm-5: Checksum failed at sector 0x0
[79523.037276] md/raid:mdX: read error corrected (8 sectors at 0 on dm-5)
[root@integritytesting ~]#
Checking the corruption again:
[root@integritytesting ~]# strings -td /dev/vdb | grep -C3 -F 'Hello world' | grep -C6 -F 'Hello world #               0
  51166 creation_time = 1649325754      # Thu Apr  7 05:02:34 2022
1048576 DmRd
1052672 bitm
5242880 Hello world #               0
5242910 Hello world #               1
5242940 Hello world #               2
5242970 Hello world #               3
5243000 Hello world #               4
5243030 Hello world #               5
5243060 Hello world #               6
[root@integritytesting ~]#
It fixed itself!
I'm gonna call that a success for now. So it survived a corruption in the data area, but not everything is backed by the integrity layer. The PV's are formatted directly on the disk, then lvm has its metadata. I don't know what sort of consistency check there is for that sort of stuff. Does it only check on an error? I like the "it just works" of configuring the raid and integrity in the single lvcreate command but might still have to resort to manually layering everything.

Side experiment:

How about I corrupt the PV a little bit. Well I did and didn't learn much. I had to replace the PV, which required doing the repair on the LV which requires removing the integrity from the LV and then adding it back after repair.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Fedora 34 Linux and ASUS ROG Strix G15 Advantage Edition

 Testing out a new laptop

I'm recently trying out Fedora 34 on this pretty new laptop. It's specific module number is: G513QY-212.SG15

Should you get this for Linux use?

Probably not yet. My initial experience is encouraging performance wise in a couple games, but you're gonna need to be pretty motivated to install Linux on system with workarounds. that won't have all the features actually working 

Some Problems And Workaround/Solutions and Random other Notes (not in order that I faced them)

More confusion

I'm not seeing the same wifi problem after downgrading the linux-firmware rpm back to normal and booting back to 5.13 like I expected while trying to test something else. UPDATE! I forgot to remove nomodeset from /etc/defaults/grub and so the grub entries regenerated including that... disabling the normal amd driver. Might need to reevaluate everything again.

The WiFi wasn't working

I got by that by rebuilding the linux-firmware srpm with a version tag of 20210917 and tar.xz'ing up the latest copy off the main branch up at
Last tagged release was about a month ago and I couldn't figure out what the release criteria is but didn't worry about it anyways. Thanks to Level1Linux's video for making me aware of a similar issue over in though in that video he didn't rebuild a package, just extracted on the required firmware directly into the target system's firmware directory (the easier way I expect)

The graphical installer didn't just work

Same video let me know I'd end up needing to try nomodeset
I used the everything netinstall iso so first boot already ended up with the latest fedora 34 kernel.

The keyboard didn't work

I mean it sort of worked, but if I pressed a key during the installer, it would shutdown the system. I knew that was coming since I had watched this Jarrod'sTech video:
I got around it by using an external USB keyboard.

Annoying Startup Sound

Not Linux specific but this laptop plays a tune when you turn it on. I didn't like so I turned it off. I ended up going to the advanced settings section of the BIOS to toggle that off and later I found out the Windows ASUS software probably can toggle that setting too.

CPU/GPU Temps won't appear in KDE's system monitor

I tried adding a custom sensor to log these. It didn't work. Somewhere I heard I shouldn't expect it to work until Kernel 5.15. I did end up trying the 5.14 Kernel since Fedora is having a test week.
I got the latest 5.14 for Fedora 34 out of Koji but it didn't help. Actually, it's worse off. The laptop's RGB effects ended up turning off where they'd just stay on for  5.13. I don't know if that's a real problem or if it now means if I found the right program I could control them. But the laptop panel lost brightness control, and KDE keeps prompting me about what I should do for a plugged in external monitor... but there's not one. I wonder if it's switching between discrete graphics and the integrated graphics? I dunno the exact cause but it's a little annoying.

Anyways this Phoronix page is where I read to expect it in 5.15: and maybe I'll try out a release candidate since It looks like it's in 5.15-rc1


Starcraft 2 when installed via Lutris which in turn was installed via the RPM Fusion repos was apparently working well. Not exactly a great choice to test graphics but I was curious.
Kerbal Space Program seemed alright via Steam with plenty high FPS.


I haven't tried it yet but I'm aware of:

Over in Windows...

Games work really well. I've only used systems with 60Hz screens before so I spent some time having fun testing that out with things like moving the mouse cursor a lot (I think it has some ghosting?), playing some Portal 2 (and finding out I had fps_max set too low by default), and playing with the display tests over at
I ended up shrinking the main Windows partition to leave about 256GB free on disk for the Linux partitions I ended up creating as part of the that install.

Using a Dell USB Dock

I've got a USB-C dock that seems to work alright in Windows. On Linux the graphics out aren't working but the usb ports and ethernet are working. lshw isn't giving me the dock's model number and I don't feel like untangling it enough to turn it over. I'm pretty sure after looking at the picture it's the Dell Dock WD15. Also, it's able to charge the laptop. Not likely as fast as the normal adapter but good to have as an option.


Didn't even try it off A/C power yet.


Here's some stuff out of lshw:

description: Notebook
    product: ROG Strix G513QY_G513QY
    version: 1.0
    width: 64 bits
    capabilities: smbios-3.3.0 dmi-3.3.0 smp vsyscall32
    configuration: boot=normal chassis=notebook family=ROG Strix uuid=
          description: BIOS
          vendor: American Megatrends International, LLC.
          physical id: 0
          version: G513QY.311
          date: 06/30/2021
          size: 64KiB
          capacity: 16MiB
          capabilities: pci upgrade shadowing cdboot bootselect socketedrom edd acpi biosbootspecification uefi
          description: CPU
          product: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics
          vendor: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
          physical id: 10
          bus info: cpu@0
          version: AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX with Radeon Graphics
          serial: Unknown
          slot: FP6
          size: 4357MHz
          capacity: 4888MHz
          width: 64 bits
          clock: 100MHz
          capabilities: lm fpu fpu_exception wp vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush mmx fxsr sse sse2 ht syscall nx mmxext fxsr_opt pdpe1gb rdtscp x86-64 constant_tsc rep_good nopl nonstop_tsc cpuid extd_apicid aperfmperf rapl pni pclmulqdq monitor ssse3 fma cx16 sse4_1 sse4_2 movbe popcnt aes xsave avx f16c rdrand lahf_lm cmp_legacy svm extapic cr8_legacy abm sse4a misalignsse 3dnowprefetch osvw ibs skinit wdt tce topoext perfctr_core perfctr_nb bpext perfctr_llc mwaitx cpb cat_l3 cdp_l3 hw_pstate ssbd mba ibrs ibpb stibp vmmcall fsgsbase bmi1 avx2 smep bmi2 erms invpcid cqm rdt_a rdseed adx smap clflushopt clwb sha_ni xsaveopt xsavec xgetbv1 xsaves cqm_llc cqm_occup_llc cqm_mbm_total cqm_mbm_local clzero irperf xsaveerptr rdpru wbnoinvd arat npt lbrv svm_lock nrip_save tsc_scale vmcb_clean flushbyasid decodeassists pausefilter pfthreshold avic v_vmsave_vmload vgif v_spec_ctrl umip pku ospke vaes vpclmulqdq rdpid overflow_recov succor smca fsrm cpufreq
          configuration: cores=8 enabledcores=8 threads=16

                 *-display UNCLAIMED
                      description: Display controller
                      product: Navi 22 [Radeon RX 6700/6700 XT / 6800M]
                      vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI]
                      physical id: 0
                      bus info: pci@0000:03:00.0
                      version: c3
                      width: 64 bits
                      clock: 33MHz
                      capabilities: pm pciexpress msi cap_list
                      configuration: latency=0
                      resources: iomemory:f80-f7f iomemory:fc0-fbf memory:f800000000-fbffffffff memory:fc00000000-fc0fffffff memory:fcb00000-fcbfffff memory:fcc00000-fcc1ffff

Monday, September 30, 2019

CentOS 8 in the Cloud the Hard Way

Hello Internet,

Update 2020-02-08: Don't do this, there's proper images published now.

Consider this a draft. I know the formatting is pretty terrible. Not all the commands are clearly marked in italics. Italics also turned out to be a bad way to show which parts are to be entered in as commands. In particular, the blocks where you enter text up to the EOF don't copy and paste nicely because Blogger's editor appended stray spaces. I'll need to manually clean up the HTML but obviously it's been a while since I last even used this. Sorry. This isn't a beginners guide and you should expect to have to do some troubleshooting on your own.

It's been a while but recently CentOS 8 just got released this past week and I wanted to play with it in the cloud.

This post is going to document how I got it mostly running in Rackspace's cloud. I doubt anyone would want to use this for anything besides testing because as you'll find out, not all the pieces you need for a good experience are available for el8, more of a just for fun toy.

The "right" way to import a custom image into that cloud is not what I'll be doing here. That's basically building an image locally and then uploading.

The approach I'll be doing here doesn't require any local build infrastructure since we're just going to boot into the network installer on the Emergency Console manually.

I'll be using a 4 GB General Purpose Cloud server. Probably could get away with running the installer on a 2 GB but I didn't bother trying.

There's also a image that I'm not gonna use here.

Let's get started.

Build Instructions

Get a Cloud Server

I'm creating a new server:
  • Named "centos8-template"
  • Using the CentOS 7 image.
  • 4 GB General Purpose v1 Flavor
  • Local Boot Source (a CBS volume may have been a good idea too)
  • I set an SSH key
  • Left PublicNet and ServiceNet attached
  • Un-checked all the Recommended Installs
I didn't bother recording the root password since I'm installing over this image and to log in for initial prep work uses my SSH key.

Prep the System

I'm trying to omit the public IP. Realistically I'm deleting this server when I'm done and I don't think it really matters but that's why you're not seeing it. It's hopefully redacted everywhere as "publicIP" or later I got lazier and just redacted the last octet with "xyz" so sub in your IP if you're following along.

The next step is to update the grub config to make it easy to boot into the CentOS 8 installer.
Set the timeout to something long enough to catch at the console:
[root@centos8-template ~]# sed -i.bak 's/^GRUB_TIMEOUT=.*/GRUB_TIMEOUT=128/' /etc/default/grub
[root@centos8-template ~]# grep ^GRUB_TIMEOUT= /etc/default/grub

That's normally 1 second.

I need to add a new boot entry to grub to run the installer but because I'm writing this as I'm figuring it out, now it a good item to get the net installer kernel and initrd.
I'm going to use since it's nice and fast for that cloud:

[root@centos8-template ~]# cd /boot/
[root@centos8-template boot]# wget
Total wall clock time: 0.7s
Downloaded: 2 files, 65M in 0.6s (103 MB/s)
[root@centos8-template boot]#

And for no good reason, I'm renaming both files:
[root@centos8-template boot]# mv {,centos8-}vmlinuz
[root@centos8-template boot]# mv {,centos8-}initrd.img
[root@centos8-template boot]# ls -al /boot/centos8-*
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 60484580 Aug 15 21:22 /boot/centos8-initrd.img
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root  7872760 Jun  4 09:27 /boot/centos8-vmlinuz
[root@centos8-template boot]#
[root@centos8-template boot]# sha256sum  /boot/centos8-*
7d2374d0f91c2003b31711dc29f288fcea085af66c5ed639c0a726efe82ca926  /boot/centos8-initrd.img
44ac0373e729e06dd52be8ad925d2789f9a6e822aa9508b1694d58593f32d7a6  /boot/centos8-vmlinuz
[root@centos8-template boot]#

Ideally I should verify these against something authoritative...

With those, I'm going to build out the grub menu entry. 

To make that a little easier, I'm prep'ing some environment variables. Actually it's not easier, I just did it by hand my first pass through this attempt and didn't have this generalized scripting.

The installer will need the network configuration so building that up first:
[root@centos8-template boot]# export IFCFG=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
[root@centos8-template boot]# echo $IFCFG
[root@centos8-template boot]# export IPLINE="ip=$(awk -F= '/^IPADDR=/{print $2}' $IFCFG)::$(awk -F= '/^GATEWAY=/{print $2}' $IFCFG):$(awk -F= '/^NETMASK=/{print $2}' $IFCFG):centos8-template:eth0:none:$(awk -F= '/^DNS1=/{print $2}' $IFCFG)"
[root@centos8-template boot]# echo $IPLINE
[root@centos8-template boot]#

That ip= line was probably the most annoying part of all this.

In this cloud we're on a Xen Hypervisor so I really need two kernel modules loaded early, or at least one of them. xen_netfront and xen_blkfront.

For reference, here's what the existing CentOS 7 system is using:
[root@centos8-template boot]# lsmod | grep xen
xenfs                  12667  1
xen_privcmd            13206  1 xenfs
xen_blkfront           26922  2
xen_netfront           27082  0
[root@centos8-template boot]#

How do I get those to load early in the boot?
"rd.driver.pre" didn't seem to work or I did it wrong so I'm going another direction.

[root@centos8-template boot]# grep -H "" /sys/module/xen_netfront/parameters/*

I'm going to force setting that parameter and as a side effect get this driver to load early.

[root@centos8-template boot]# export FORCEMOD="xen_netfront.max_queues=4"
[root@centos8-template boot]#

[root@centos8-template boot]# export REPO="inst.repo="
[root@centos8-template boot]#

[root@centos8-template boot]# export CMDLINE="$IPLINE $REPO $FORCEMOD"
[root@centos8-template boot]# echo $CMDLINE inst.repo=https://mirror.rac xen_netfront.max_queues=4
[root@centos8-template boot]#

Assuming you're starting from this:
[root@centos8-template boot]# cat /etc/grub.d/40_custom
exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
[root@centos8-template boot]#

[root@centos8-template boot]# cat >> /etc/grub.d/40_custom <<EOF
menuentry 'CentOS 8 Installer $(date)' {
 insmod gzio
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='hd0,msdos1'
 linux16 /boot/centos8-vmlinuz $CMDLINE
 initrd16 /boot/centos8-initrd.img

And you'll see:
[root@centos8-template boot]# cat /etc/grub.d/40_custom
exec tail -n +3 $0
# This file provides an easy way to add custom menu entries.  Simply type the
# menu entries you want to add after this comment.  Be careful not to change
# the 'exec tail' line above.
menuentry 'CentOS 8 Installer Mon Sep 30 05:14:13 UTC 2019' {
 insmod gzio
 insmod part_msdos
 insmod ext2
 set root='hd0,msdos1'
 linux16 /boot/centos8-vmlinuz
241 inst.repo= xen_netfront.max_queues=4
 initrd16 /boot/centos8-initrd.img
[root@centos8-template boot]#

Now to actually update the grub config.
[root@centos8-template boot]# grub2-mkconfig -o /etc/grub2.cfg
Generating grub configuration file ...
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-957.21.3.el7.x86_64.img
Found linux image: /boot/vmlinuz-0-rescue-f938a40b07ef4f51af489d035b0c5605
Found initrd image: /boot/initramfs-0-rescue-f938a40b07ef4f51af489d035b0c5605.img
[root@centos8-template boot]#

And it's in there:
[root@centos8-template boot]# grep centos8 /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
 linux16 /boot/centos8-vmlinuz ip=
241 inst.repo= xen_netfront.max_queues=4
 initrd16 /boot/centos8-initrd.img
[root@centos8-template boot]#

The fun begins.

Start the Installer

First, open the Emergency Console for the Cloud Server. Gonna have to reconnect after the reboot but might as well make sure it's working before we start the harder to debug section. And the lazy way to reboot, click the Ctrl-Alt-Del button on the console page.

The console will get disconnected, wait 15 seconds and click Connect or hit F5. If it's not ready, don't spam it or your console request may get ratelimited, just wait 10 seconds between attempts, you have a two minute timeout window for grub anyways. Down arrow to the installer entry, cross your fingers, and hit enter.

The waiting game beings, will it actually work the first time? In my case, amazingly yes... if we don't count all the tries last time I tried writing this up the other day.

You can probably figure out how to use the installer yourself.
The big changes I made:
  • Turn off KDUMP. It uses kexec and AFAIK doesn't work on Xen guest VMs.
  • Mess with the partitioning. I used custom partitioning with 1 18GiB / partition and no others to match how the CentOS 7 image was built out and only 18 GiB so I can copy this disk to a smaller server size easier later.
    • I ignored the lack of swap.

  • Then finally, I changed the Software Selection to "Server" without the GUI and checked Guest Agents.
  • Begin Install! (Good news for readers, I messed something I've since removed at this point (was being silly on the partitioning screen) and started over using the steps above so they probably work right... except where blogger split my long lines awkwardly and otherwise ruined a bunch of the pre-formatted text copied from ssh)
  • Set a root password on the next screen, and wait for the install to complete.
    I picked an ok password but as a precaution, while this was going I assigned the both Cloud Networks to security groups whitelisting only my IP and the Rackspace monitoring poller ranges and the DNS servers IP. (For DFW that means and .240, the last part of the kernel command line's ip= section)
  • Click the reboot button!
  • Open the console again. Your session for the tab probably timed out so close the console tab, refresh the server info page, and then open the console again.
  • You should now have a CentOS Linux 8 (Core) prompt!

Post-Installer Configuration

Next I need nova-agent working. Oh there's no el8 package I could find so we're building from source!
Working from the console isn't any fun so I'm ssh'ing back in. You'll need to delete the old known_hosts entry line.
First thing I did is add my authorized_keys file so I don't have to enter that root password I set in the installer.
You might be tempted to image at this point but without nova-agent I don't think it's going to be as useful.
First, install git.
[root@centos8-template ~]# dnf -y install git

And some python3 packages:
[root@centos8-template ~]# dnf install python3-pip python3-virtualenv python3-devel

Change directory over to /opt:
[root@centos8-template ~]# cd /opt/
[root@centos8-template opt]#

Get nova-agent:
[root@centos8-template opt]# git clone

Create a virtual-environment for nova-agent to run out of:
[root@centos8-template opt]# python3 -m venv env-nova-agent

[root@centos8-template opt]# source env-nova-agent/bin/activate
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]#

Install some more missing pre-req's:
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# dnf group install 'Development Tools'

Now build and install nova-agent!
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# pip3 install nova-agent/

When it's done:
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# which nova-agent /opt/env-nova-agent/bin/nova-agent

Copy the systemd unit file to manually install it:
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# cp nova-agent/etc/nova-agent.service /etc/systemd/system/

And fix the path:
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# sed -i.bak 's#/usr/bin/nova-agent#/opt/env-nova-agent/bin/nova-agent#' /etc/systemd/system/

(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]#

(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# cat /etc/systemd/system/nova-agent.service
Description=Nova Agent for xenstore

ExecStart=/opt/env-nova-agent/bin/nova-agent --no-fork True -o /var/log/nova-agent.log -l info

(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]#

Notice the ExecStart line now refers to the result of the earlier "which" command.

Get it started!
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# systemctl daemon-reload
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# systemctl enable --now nova-agent.service
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]# systemctl status nova-agent.service
nova-agent.service - Nova Agent for xenstore
  Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/nova-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
  Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-09-30 02:12:27 CDT; 7s ago
Main PID: 29252 (nova-agent)
   Tasks: 2 (limit: 25014)
  Memory: 14.5M
  CGroup: /system.slice/nova-agent.service
          └─29252 /opt/env-nova-agent/bin/python3 /opt/env-nova-agent/bin/nova-agent --no-fork True -o /var/log/nova-agent.log -l info

Sep 30 02:12:27 centos8-template systemd[1]: Starting Nova Agent for xenstore...
Sep 30 02:12:27 centos8-template systemd[1]: Started Nova Agent for xenstore.
(env-nova-agent) [root@centos8-template opt]#

Probably want to install cloud-init as well:
First disconnect ssh and reconnect to get out the the virtualenv.
[root@centos8-template ~]# dnf install cloud-init

After that's done installing, add a custom config file:

[root@centos8-template ~]# cat > /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_rackspace.cfg <<EOF
datasource_list: [ ConfigDrive, None ]
disable_root: False
ssh_pwauth: True
ssh_deletekeys: False
resize_rootfs: noblock
 mode: auto
 devices: ['/']

- disk_setup
- mounts
- ssh-import-id
- locale
- set-passwords
- package-update-upgrade-install
- yum-add-repo
- timezone
- puppet
- chef
- salt-minion
- mcollective
- disable-ec2-metadata
- runcmd
- byobu

- migrator
- bootcmd
- write-files
- growpart
- resizefs
- set_hostname
- update_hostname
- update_etc_hosts
- rsyslog
- users-groups
- ssh

- rightscale_userdata
- scripts-per-once
- scripts-per-boot
- scripts-per-instance
- scripts-user
- phone-home
- final-message
network: {config: disabled}

And then enable it:
[root@centos8-template ~]# systemctl enable cloud-init

nova-agent doesn't know NetworkManager so install the legacy ifup scripts:
[root@centos8-template ~]# dnf install network-scripts

And turn on the old network service unit:
[root@centos8-template ~]# systemctl enable network.service

If you're good with only making servers 4GB and larger skip this step.
And to prevent growpart from working (for now), make a second partition.

[root@centos8-template ~]# parted -a opt /dev/xvda mkpart primary ext4 37750784s 37754784s

Let's reboot!

Just before rebooting, make sure you can log in via the console. We're about to mess with networking.
Good right, ok.

[root@centos8-template ~]# reboot

After about 30 seconds it should be back up. Check the console if it's not.

Once it's back up, we'll try triggering nova-agent using a reset-network api call.
The easy way with "Pitchfor" to make the api call:
Click the Log In link in the upper right and log in. I used my Username and API key.
Set the region to the correct one for your cloud server.

Hit Details on the "Reset Network" line. Put your cloud server's UUID in the box and click Send API Call.
Network should drop a moment and when it's back, "ip a" should show eth0 and eth1 configured. Reboot again. Regret you forgot to enable network.service the first time.

So that network and cbs hotplug works, let's install some xentools:
# dnf -y install golang
# cd /opt/
# git clone
# cd xe-guest-utilities
go get
# make
# cd /
tar -hzxf /opt/xe-guest-utilities/build/dist/xe-guest-utilities_6.*_x86_64.tgz
chkconfig xe-linux-distribution on
# reboot

Extra credit

I wanted to rebuild this as a 1 GB server. This is why I limited / to 18 GiB (to stay safely away from 20 GiB which is the default storage size for the 1GB GP v1 server).

The idea here is get two servers in rescue mode, dd /dev/xvdb from the the new centos8 server to a new 1 GB centos7 server's /dev/xvdb. Then delete the guard partition #2, exit rescue mode on the smaller one, and send it the reset-network api call again. Finally take an image of that one and call it the CentOS 8 Template.
I'm at my quota limit so I'm dd'ing to a file another existing server, deleting this 4GB server, then building the 1GB server to dd onto in rescue mode.

Power down this server:
[root@centos8-template ~]# poweroff

Put the server in Rescue Mode, note the password (also your ssh key should work but known_hosts will complain again since the rescue mode has a different key than the normal running os.

Build or log into a second Cloud Server 1 GB cloud server in the same datacenter.

If you're going direct:

SSH in to the small server with agent forwarding enabled (ssh -A).
At this point both servers should be in rescue mode so get the ServiceNet IP of the centos8-template server.
If this isn't working, a security group on the cloud network might be getting in your way.
The lazy fix is to remove it. The better fix is to just add both server's servicenet IP's to a whitelist for both.

You should be on the centos8-template in rescue mode, install pv and pigz (pigz dropped the transfer time from 3 minutes 30 seconds to 1 minute 19 seconds).
# yum -y install pv pigz
Then exit back to the 1GB server's rescue mode
# exit

You're back on the 1GB in rescue mode (and know ssh works so start the copy)
# ssh root@SERVICENETIPHERE "pv -f -sS 19330449920 /dev/xvdb | pigz --fast" | zcat > /dev/xvdb

You'll get a nice little progress indicator which should vary wildly depending on how much the image is compressing at the moment. 

Once it's done, delete the partition /dev/xvdb2.
# parted /dev/xvdb rm 2

Power off
# poweroff

Give it a minute and then exit rescue mode on this new 1GB server.
Check the console to see when it's up.

When it's up, try ssh'ing in. If it doesn't work, make the reset-network api call again using this server's uuid.

SSH should work at this point. Make a server image.
Try building a server from that image. You should be able to delete the first two now assuming this third from the image turns out well.