Friday, May 24, 2013

Apple Time Capsule and IP Problems

Stupid Apple Time Capsule keeps disappearing.

Turns out the IP being advertised over Bonjour is wrong and I have not figured out how to fix it.

I used a Linux system with avahi-tools installed

]# avahi-browse -a -r -t

=  wlan0 IPv4 User's Time Capsule                          Apple File Sharing   local
   hostname = [Users-Time-Capsule.local]
   address = []
   port = [548]
   txt = []
=  wlan0 IPv4 User's Time Capsule                          Microsoft Windows Network local
   hostname = [Users-Time-Capsule.local]
   address = []
   port = [445]
   txt = ["netbios=H=n"]
=  wlan0 IPv4 User's Time Capsule                          Apple TimeMachine    local
   hostname = [Users-Time-Capsule.local]
   address = []
   port = [9]

Well that's not right when the subnet is a 192.168.10.X
Checking the DHCP client table of the cable modem shows the capsule was given a valid address and I can even ping it. Still, the wrong address. The AirPort Utility can't greys it out since it can find it. Oh and it's connected to the router via Ethernet to rule out wifi issues.